Privacy Policy |
MÁRMOLES SANTO DOMINGO S.L. manage the web and it´s localized in Camino del Fontanal S/N 14800 Priego de Córdoba.
According to the legislation in force, MÁRMOLES SANTO DOMINGO S.L. has inscribed in the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos records and adopted technical and organizative measures that guaranteed the personal details segurity and avoid its alteration, loose, treatment or not autorizated access, knowing the technology state, the recordes dates nature and the risk whose are exposed to, were being necesary according to the RD 1720/2007 that approves the development Reglament of the LOPD.
MÁRMOLES SANTO DOMINGO S.L informed to you of our personal dates protection policy, to guarantee your privacity when you use our services.
The personal details asked for by the contact formulary, also by the mail sendint to our direction will be part of our records and will be used to comply with your information petition, answer to any doubt or question you plan, and informed to you by any way, includying mail and SMS, of own services that can interest you.
Our answers has an informative character, so it don´t derive in a binding juridic effect.
The MÁRMOLES SANTO DOMINGO S.L´s web use "cookies" during the usuary navigation. Consult our cookies policy for more information.
MÁRMOLES SANTO DOMINGO S.L. has reserved the claim of modificated its privacy policy or the use conditions of our serveces adapting to the legislation in force or similars, so we recomend to this Web usuary this section periodic revision, because the usuary Web use supposse the aceptation of the privacy policy and use conditions in force in it moment.
You can use your access claim, rectification, cancelation or oposition by write whit your DNI photocopy or and identification document to the responsable previously indicated.